Friday, 10 October 2014

Google Announces Panda Update

Google's has announced the very latest version of Google's Panda update. This update will affect the rankings of your websites web pages on search engine result pages.

What is Google's Panda update?                                                                   

Google Panda is a Google’s algorithm in which Google will penalize all the web pages which contains poor, thin or duplicate content. If your website having content copied from other web pages or the content has keyword stuffing or it has no meaning then Google has all the rights to penalize your page after this update.

What's new in the latest Panda update?

"Earlier this week, we started a slow rollout of an improved Panda algorithm, and we expect to have everything done sometime next week. 

Based on user (and webmaster!) feedback, we’ve been able to discover a few more signals to help Panda identify low-quality content more precisely. This results in a greater diversity of high-quality small- and medium-sized sites ranking higher, which is nice.

Depending on the locale, around 3-5% of queries are affected."

What does this mean for your website?

1. If your website was penalized before this update:

If your webpage has been penalized before this update and you did the content as per Google wants then you will recover your rankings by this time & not penalized by latest update.
If not then you have to improve the content of your web pages. (Fresh and Pure Content)

2. If your website was not penalized before

If your website statistics show a significant traffic drop from Google, it might be that Google's new algorithm decided that your website content was not good enough.

In such cases you need to improve your content as per your site’s category with best information from customer’s point of view.

Thursday, 5 June 2014

Easy SEO Tips for Better Search Engine Ranking

Links from High Quality Websites

Gaining backlinks is something that you can do for your own website, but it is the most important step for growing your website traffic as well.

There are many ways to gain the backlinks from other high page rank websites like writing guest articles, Leaving valuable comments on other blogs or simply write a blog that people will love to link to. The
purpose of telling this is just to expose you the basics of SEO.

Increase Domain Registration Time        

Have you notice all the sites that are on 1st page of Google’s SERP (Search Engine Result Pages)? There is no solution you can do about that, you can’t backdate your domain registration date, but you can plan for the future.

Search engines notice a website that is registered for a longer time of time to be more legitimate. A brand new domain name that will be expire in one year will have disadvantage compared to a other old domain that will be expire in five more years.

Buying domain is very cheap you can go to GoDaddy for cheaper prices. You will rank higher if your domain has high authority.

Keyword Rich Page Title Tag

Title tag is, <title>Your Title Here </title>, and should be present between the head tags on each and every page. After all, how will Google know what is your page about if it doesn’t have title tag.

The title tag is shows up at the top left of your browser window as well as clickable link on SERP pages. So it’s important that title should contain keywords that are relevant and readable.

Anchor text within Links

Normally people would link to other websites for describing themselves more and simply write “click here” for linking. Search engine takes meaning that the site you are linking is about click and here.

So, wherever you have a link to your site, whether it is internal or external, you want it to contain the key words that you want to rank well for.

Use of Heading Tags

You should know Google gives more weight to the text within properly coded headings than other text on your site. H1 tags are seen as more important than H2 tags, H2 tags are seen as more important than H3 tags, and so on and so forth. In most cases you shouldn't need to go any deeper than H3 or H4.

Improve Website Loading Speed

Page speed in new and important criteria to improve page rankings. The quicker your page loads, the higher it will rank.

Specify Alternate Text for Images

For the most part, spiders don't see images. So what if your website has information that contains within images. If you want to keep large amounts of important of images, but there is a solution that you can do to help search engines read your images better that is image optimization.

By specifying an alt tag, you can give a description to your image so that when a spider crawling your site it will be able to see what the image is all about and index your web page based on that description.

Create and Submit Sitemap

A sitemap is simply a file that has tree type view that links to each and every page on website. If it is created in proper format then you can submit it in Google Webmaster tools.               

This tells Google about all the pages on your site, including the ones it might not have found yet.