Make your Article SEO Friendly
Search Engine Optimization is a technique used for website visitors and traffic for higher rankings in search engine. Writing an article for your website is a perfect way to increase the traffic of your website. When you post an article about related updates its shows that your website is updating regularly with quality and useful content. Strategic placement of placing keywords in the paragraph and hyperlinks can boost the readership of your webpage.Read the following steps for writing and article :
1. Articles should be well written and informative for users engagement. A good title can grab the attention of users to click on your webpage.2.Find out what people wants to read, what are users questions and what is exactly their interests on your website. You can try writing article on the most wanted service of your webpage or product which sales regularly. Explain each and every point about the same.
3. Google Search Engine provides a good weight for title of the article. that is why it is necessary that the title should have keyword phrase present in it, this is the part of effective SEO.
4. It is very necessary to give the subheadings while writing an article. User does not feel the story is written. Subheading can improve readers engagement.
5. Keep a list of keyword or key phrases ready with you. If you are ready with 4-5 keywords try to find out similar words for them or long tail key phrases instead of using the same keyword 10 times.
Make sure that your content is grammatically correct. This is a impact of your performance.
6. Try to use the most important keyword in the first line or preferably in the first paragraph.
7. Bold Some words which are most important in your article to grab the attention at the topic.
Build links to your website :
1. If your article has good content why not promote it by doing some offpage, Simply share the link of your article to Facebook, Twitter, Tumblr etc and make your friends to share it.2. You can do some social bookmarking to index the webpage.
That is all about the basic tips. Read it and use while article writing.